The Hive

1207 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68102

What sets The Hive apart from the other nightclub spots in Omaha?

Customer service is a huge deal for us!

We want everyone to walk away with a great experience and want them to continue to come back.

Customer service is a huge factor in why people continue to revisit places.

Also, our music is all over the board. We have a live band that rips it up from 9:30p-11:30p prior to our DJ blowing the roof off of this place from 11:30p- 2am on Thursday’s, Friday’s & Saturday’s.

We play everything from every type of genre. Every person that comes into the Hive should hear several songs throughout the night that they can sing along to! We wanted it to be an upscale house party where all of your favorite people come to hang out and you throw on that good mix of your favorite songs and dance to them all night long!

Plus there is not one place in Omaha that specifically caters to women. We specialize in safety and service here. Most of the nightclubs and bars around Omaha are all geared toward some type of theme, and we decided to gear ours towards a specific type of person and a non specific genre of music.

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